
About Us

Anxi Yongxing Machinery Co., Ltd. was founded in 1992, which is a tea processing machinery enterprise integrating design, manufacture and sales. It has formed 8 series and various specifications and models of tea machine products with independent intellectual property rights. Many tea-producing provinces (cities, districts) and Southeast Asian countries provide high-quality tea processing equipment. Our factory is strong, well-equipped and advanced in technology. Every process in the production, inspection and assembly process of the product is supervised by engineers with rich practical experience to ensure that the products meet the standards. We wholeheartedly provide new and old customers with all kinds of complete sets of tea machinery, provide tea-making process design, machinery selection, equipment installation and commissioning, and provide free consultation, guidance and training in tea-making technology, and provide high-quality after-sales service. In recent years, on the basis of serving the original market and customers well, the company has gradually expanded to large and medium-sized tea processing enterprises and tea exporting enterprises. We sincerely thank you for your attention and support to Yongxing.

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